Small Boat Anchors And Hardware
Boat anchors are kind of like car brands, people have their favorite, sometimes for no apparent reason other than that is what they are used to.
In many small boating shops and outdoor supply stores the only anchor you will find is the
folding grapnel anchor.
Folding grapnel anchors are usually galvanized metal or have nice plastic coatings to help protect your watercraft. If you really want your boat to stay put when you anchor you may need to have different anchors for different bottom types. Sure some folks just tie a concrete block to a rope and call it an anchor, but if you want better holding power it is important to know what the different
anchor types
are, and what bottom types they work in the best.

The anchor is just one part of an anchoring system. It is very common to see folks tying a rope to an anchor and hoping it will hold the boat, but the ropes, chain, shackles and hardware you choose are all important parts of a
boat anchor system.
So now you have all the right gear, but there is more to anchoring than just the type of anchor, the length of chain and how you hook it all together. You also need to learn
how to anchor a boat.
You can't just throw the anchor and rope in the water and hope for the best if you want to be sure to find you boat where you left it. In fact, you don't want to "throw" your anchor into the water ever! Learn how to do it right and you will be a more confident boater. Like many things, the more you do it the better you will get at it! Have fun on the water, and take care when setting your anchor to protect you and your boat.
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