Boat Anchor System: Small Boat Anchors, Ropes, And Hardware
There is more to a boat anchor system than just an anchor. Make sure you set up your anchor system for ease of use.
On a small boat the gear you need for anchoring is pretty simple, but you still need to make sure you have a good system.
Choosing an anchor is the first step is preparing your ground tackle. If you need more information about
anchor types
then make sure you do more reading and talking to people in boat shops and at marinas. Remember, the anchor you choose depends on your boat, the conditions you plan to use it in, and the bottom types you will most likely encounter when anchoring.
Once you have selected an anchor you need a couple shackles and a length of chain on your rode. The anchor rode is the chain and rope that attaches your anchor to your boat. The chain should be galvanized or stainless steel so you don't end up with a rusty mess in your boat.
The chain is an important part of an anchor rode as it provides a weighted section to keep the pull angle low at the anchor. Too many small boat owners simply attach their anchor to a rope, then wonder why it doesn't hold. A 10 foot (2 meter) length of 1/4" or 5/16" chain is necessary if you want your anchor to work.

For small boats the anchor rode rope is typically 25 to 50 feet (7.5m to 15m) in length, as shallow water anchoring is the norm. I have an anchor rode rope of 200 feet (60m) for my boat anchoring system, as I have frequently wanted a long rope when setting up an overnight anchoring system in tidal waters.
For small boat owners a quick connect clip on the end of the anchor rode rope allows a convenient way to make sure it is connected to the boat before being deployed. A float on the end of the rope also gives some safety in case the rope gets dropped accidentally.

In larger boats it is very common to carry two or more anchors of different types, so the correct anchor can be selected for the specific bottom type, wind and current conditions and holding power required.
Often skippers will select an easier to use anchor if they will be monitoring the boat, such as a lunch stop, and will select a more robust anchor system if they require overnight holding power in stormy weather.
Your ground tackle (anchoring hardware) is a key component of your boat anchor system. When designing your boat anchor system remember that bigger is generally better.
The more your fully loaded boat weighs - the bigger the ground tackle you will need. The bigger the superstructure you boat has - the bigger the ground tackle you will need. The greater variety of conditions you will be anchoring in - the bigger the ground tackle you will need.
It is worth it to make the right choices when designing your system.
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